Vision: Bring science, technology, and policymaking together to develop and demonstrate sustainable solutions for pressing socio-enviro-technical problems. 

1. Develop sustainable technologies and innovations, using locally available resources, in the areas of energy, water, food, agriculture, ecology, waste management, and pollution mitigation. 
2. Evaluate the nature of technology and its social/environmental impacts concerning the human modification of the natural world. 
3. Build and deploy computational resources to assess the impact of scaling up or developing new technologies on the three dimensions (economic, social, and environmental) of sustainability, to appraise policy. 
4. Facilitate skill development and entrepreneurship to aid the deployment and scaling up of sustainable technologies. 
5. Collaborate with local communities to integrate and help sustain indigenous knowledge practices through language maintenance and revitalization. 
6. Become a credible nodal center for exchanging scientific ideas, research, innovation, and evaluating the impact of deploying sustainable technologies at the local, regional, and national levels.